Meis Mitzvah in the Amazon
Along the Amazon river in Brazil, lies the city of Parintins. A small city with a population of just over 100,000. In the 1950’s there was a small Jewish community composed of a few Moroccan families: Assayag, Cohen, Zagury, Mendes, Benjo, Salama to name a few. However, for education and other financial means the Jewish community slowly disappeared. They moved to bigger cities along the river, like Manaus and Belem. Today, all that remains is a Jewish cemetery, cared for by the Comite Israelita do Amazonas and two Jews.
One of the residents grew up in Parintins, while the other, Ricardo, fell in love with the Amazon. Ricardo had spent a number of years living in Manaus in search of work, but would move to Parintins during the onset of the pandemic. During his time in Manaus he was an active participant of Chabad activities, and was known to call community members every Friday just to wish them a Shabat Shalom.
Unfortunately, last week Binyamin ben Nathan Z”L passed away, at the age of 65, after suffering a stroke. When the Chabad Shliach, Rabbi Arieh Raichman heard about his passing, the only feasible option was to bury him in Parintins. The Parintins Jewish cemetery had not had a burial in 47 years, but Binyamin Z”L had to get one. To travel by boat would take 20 hours, and that was too long. There was one flight a day, and it would take 50 minutes. A ticket was booked on the spot, and on the next flight the Rabbi flew to Parintins. All while taking along all the material to give Binyamin Z”L a proper kevurah.
Beit Chabad of the Amazon, helps Jews throughout the region and is in the midst of a campaign to cover this project and other vital ones.
Mes Mitzvah
100 mezuzot in the Amazon
Education for the kids living across the Amazon region
Food and medications for the local Jews in need
And other amazing activities.
To join the growing activities and see first hand, please click here