Kaliningrad Celebrates Chanuka with Series of Events

The city of Kaliningrad, also known by its historical name “Konigsberg”, is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, a Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania. Kaliningrad celebrated Chanuka with special events on every night of the holiday, in order to publicize the miracle amongst all the city’s residents, and to bring the joy and mitzvot of the holiday to all its Jews.

After much planning and great efforts, an exclusive banquet was held on the second night of Chanuka for donors, philanthropists, and important government representatives who gathered together to celebrate the holiday and receive recognition from the city’s Jews for their support in the growth and development of the Jewish community. They were also recognized for their part in the restoration of the large synagogue, which was burnt down on Kristallnacht 84 years ago. Since it has been rebuilt it serves as a pillar of light and prayer to the many Jews who live in Kaliningrad, as well as the many tourists and visitors who come from the neighboring Lithuania and Poland.

On a huge screen, the guests saw and heard the Lubavitcher Rebbe speak about the great privilege and responsibility we each have in spreading the light of Yiddishkeit.
Warm greeting were sent from Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, who expressed his sincere appreciation for progressing the building of the city’s mikva, the first one to be built in the entire region, since the Nazis destroyed the existing one during World War II.
Additional greetings were brought by President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia, Rabbi Alexander Boroda, who thanked the donors in the name of all of Russia’s Jews.
The Chanuka menorah was lit by the Rabbi of Kaliningrad, Rabbi Dovid Shwedik.

Chabad Shliach Rabbi Avraham Boruch Deutsch called up each of the esteemed donors, those who support the community on a daily basis, to come up and receive a letter of recognition from the Rosh Hakahal Mr. Flitman. Each letter was signed by Russia’s Chief Rabbi, as well as the chairmen of Kaliningrad’s Jewish community.

Amongst the many participants were the city’s Mayor, the German Consul, the Lithuanian Consul, the Minister of Agriculture, and the Minister of Tourism. All the guests were very impressed by the elaborate presentation that was shown, telling about all that has been done for Kaliningrad’s Jews since the construction of the synagogue, including projects for youth, for seniors, Torah classes, prayers, and more.

The evening was pleasantly accompanied by a local orchestra that played Chanuka music and other Jewish songs.
In a unique and exclusive performance, Valery Chakon, the best flamenco guitarist in Russia, and winner of Third Place in all of Europe, played Chanuka songs in ancient Spanish style.
Throughout the holiday, there are special events taking place for Kaliningrad’s Jewish community members. Starting with public menorah lightings in front of the city’s Main Synagogue, continuing with workshops and attractions for children, a Chanuka party for Jewish women, a variety of musical concerts throughout the city, and ending with the distribution of hundreds of holiday packages with menorahs and donuts to light up the homes of all the city’s Jews.

Photograpy: Denis Pavlov