When Hakhel and Chanukah Soared To New Levels

by Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus – Chabad of South Broward County, FL

The year was 1987. It was a year of Hakhel – 5748, a year of Jewish gathering. The Rebbe asked to make as many gatherings as possible of men, women and children, that they gather for the sake of strengthening Torah and Mitzvos.

At my Shabbos table the idea was conceived! Instead of our Annual Chanukah Festival that attracted many thousands, how about in addition to the World’s Largest Annual Chanukah Festival, creating a Hakhel gathering that will eventually reach millions.

Brian Robbie, son of Joe Robbie, owner of the Miami Dolphins, used to visit my Shul with a frum boy, Avrumie Weisman.

I told Brian about my idea, lighting a Menorah at the Sunday Night Football NFL ESPN game, and a new level of Pirsumei Nisah, publicising the miracle of Chanukah began and a new level of Hakhel began!

Millions were now finding out about the message of the Menorah. 80,000 were present, with both teams on the field, for the first ever Menorah lighting at a sporting event.

The Rebbe loved the idea. The Rebbe’s secretary called the morning after to find out all the details.

I invited many other Rabbis to join me at this trailblazing event. People today are Torah observant thanks to this new breakthrough of Jewish outreach.

Decades later, dozens of Chabad Houses started to follow our lead! Millions now are aware of Chanukah and the message of the Menorah thanks to my Shabbos table in 1987 where I resolved to take Chanukah and Hakhel to a whole new level.

And this year, also a year of Hakhel, our 43rd Annual South Florida Chassidic Chanukah Festival is taking on a whole new level, with 7,000 seats sold out at Hard Rock Live!

May we merit the Big Hakhel, with the in gathering of all the Jewish people to Jerusalem with the revelation of Moshiach, NOW!