Bais Rivkah Montreal Holds Annual Chanukah Carnival

Hundreds of children and parents attended the Grand Chanukah Carnival on Erev Chanukah, organized by the High School students of Beis Rivkah Montreal.

The children had an amazing time at the great variety of Chanukah-themed booths, where they also received prizes, that brought smiles to their faces. In addition, they were treated to giant inflatable rides, free cotton candy and an original Hakhel Chanukah puppet show.

“This is our 48th annual Chanukah Carnival. It attracts hundreds of children from all over Montreal,” said Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, Dean of the school, “Mommies and Bubbies who nostalgically remember when they were at the Carnival as children, brought their children and grandchildren”.

Rabbi Nochum Greenwald presented an exciting Magic-Trick show and juggling act.

The program concluded with a Hakhel-Gathering at which the first Chanukah candle was lit on a giant Menorah, and the 12 Pesukim were recited. Each child received a Dreidel, coins for Tzedoko and Chanukah Gelt. Many valuable prizes were raffled off.

It was truly a joyous way to usher in the Chanukah holiday.