Two Grand Chanukah Events Held With Chabad of Southwest Florida


Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida under the Leadership of Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and Rabbi Peretz Meir Simcha Minkowicz held two Grand Chanukah events for the local Jewish community.

The First event a Community Celebration at Castle Golf where the community was treated to Free Golf. With Delicious Fresh Doughnuts, Hot Potato Latkes and Drinks with the Highlight the Lighting of the Grand Menorah by Dr. Daniel Dosoretz one of the Main Sponsors of the event, at the Chanukah Celebration many Put on Teffilin and received Menorahs to take home. Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz shared a Message of the Rebbe about Chanukah as well as gave each Participant a $2 Bill as Chanukah Gelt.

The Second event was at the Edison Mall where the local store owner’s, employees, and costumers were treated with Delicious Doughnuts, Hot Latkes, Drinks and the Lighting of the Menorah by Eli the store owner. Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz spoke about the spiritual meaning of Chanukah with everyone participated in lively Singing and Dancing.