Teachers Invigorated at Yud Tes Kislev Chinuch Farbrengen
If farbrenging on Yud-Tes Kislev is critical for any chossid, all the more so for a mechanech upon whom, the future of Klal Yisroel rests.
At the Kollel Hall this past Monday evening, 100 mechanchim, each a community influencer in their own right, gathered together to re-energize their passion for chinuch with Chassidus and chassidishe values. At a fully catered lavish seuda, nigunim with musical accompaniment were sung and the teachers farbrenged and danced late into the night.
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming, Rov and Veteran Mechanech at Beis Medrash Oholei Torah, and Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz, Shliach in Suffern NY and Veteran Mechanech Morristown Yeshiva invigorated the crowd with their warm and uplifting messages.
“It was amazing,” said one fourth grade rebbi, “the sense of achdus among the teachers was beautiful. Senior, veteran teachers blended and conversed with fresh beginners. The feeling was that we’re all doing the same thing: making the next generation of chassidim.”
Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, director of the Lubavitch Chinuch Organization Igud Hamelamdim, explains, “Though we host extensive courses and seminars throughout the year on the techniques of teaching, nothing compares to the impact of a farbrengen. That’s where the melamdim focus on their identity and mission as a chassidishe melamed. They sit together with fellow Lubavitcher melamdim, to hear and discuss what chassidishe chinuch is meant to be.”
And it could just be, as many of the attendees expressed, that these farbrengens keep them energized through the long, winter months.
photos by Shimi Hershkop