LIVE at 12:00PM: CKids Worldwide Chanukah Event
Thousands of Jewish children worldwide will join together in an incredible “Chanukah Live” Hakhel event organized by CKids International.
In preparation for Chanukah, Chabad Houses are hosting a unique children’s program, one that will link Jewish kids with their peers worldwide in a remarkable union of Yiddishkeit and fun. Designed to both entertain and inspire, it promises to be an uplifting experience for all those who attend.
Set for Sunday, December 18th, this half-hour event will usher in the holiday with a plethora of fun activities and entertainment for the whole family. From a professional illusionist to exciting raffles on a wide range of prizes, it will be a night the children will fondly remember.
The program is a continuation of several such rallies which CKids has hosted in advance of other Jewish holidays, which have all been met with wide acclaim by children and parents alike.
“There is tremendous power in bringing children from all over the world together, and we are looking forward to joining in this very special opportunity,” said Mrs. Beila Goodman of Chabad of Long Beach, New York.
Featuring a live stream of a Menorah lighting at the Kosel and followed by a magic show, dancing and singing, this Chanukah-themed rally is intended to drive home the uplifting messages of Chanukah, empowering all participants to become ambassadors of light to their families and communities.
“We hope these experiences inspire the children, leaving them with a strong sense of identity that will fortify them with the courage to be proud Jews and grow up to be active participants in their local communities,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302.

Participating Chabad Houses include:
Chabad of the Beaches
Chabad of the West Side
Chabad at Short Hills
Chabad of S. Clemente
Chabad Emeryville
Chabad of Loudoun County
Chabad Lubavitch of Minneapolis
Chabad Lubavitch of the Venetian
Chabad of Plano & Collin County
Chabad Lubavitch of Quad Cities
Chabad of Greater Dayton
Chabad Mercer Island
Chabad Aruba
The Shul of Bal Harbor
Turk Family Chabad Jewish Discovery Centre
Chabad of Great Neck
Chabad of the Beach Cities
Chabad of Owings Mills
North Suburban Lubavitch Chabad – Central Avenue Synagogue
Chabad of Anne Arundel County
Chabad of Forest Hills North
Chabad of Yorktown
Chabad Chayil – Highland Lakes
Chabad-Lubavitch of North Orlando
Chabad of Sheepshead Bay
Chabad Of Palm Coast
Chabad Jewish Center – South Metro Denver
Chabad of Briarwood
Chabad of South Broward
Chabad of Forest Hills North
Chabad of the West Valley
Chabad Lubavitch of Riverdale
Chabad of Red Rock
Chabad of Anne Arundel County
Chabad of The Woodlands
Beth Chabad Israeli Community
Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center
Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Chabad Lubavitch of Edmonton
Chabad of Cypress and Northwest Houston
Chabad Jewish Center of NWBC
Chabad Lubavitch of Hunt Valley
Chabad of Bradenton
Chabad of Durham Region
Chabad of South Bay
Chabad of Panama City Beach
Chabad of Rancho Mirage – The Torah Oasis
Chabad of South Orlando
Chabad of Charlotte County
Chabad Jewish Center of Mission Viejo
Chabad Jewish Center of the Florida Keys
Chabad of Putnam
Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta
North County Chabad Center
Chabad of West Hempstead
Chabad of Akron & Canton
Chabad of Bethesda
Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center
The Shul Bayside
Chabad House of Western Michigan
Chabad of Cape Coral
Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center
Chabad Torah Center of West Bloomfield
Chabad of North Hollywood
Chabad of Pacific Palisades
Chabad of Clifton Park
Chabad of Lake Success & University Gardens
Chabad Lubavitch of Minneapolis
Chabad of Pittsford
Harford Chabad
Congregation Judea
Chabad Pensacola
Jewish Russian Community Center
Chabad Jewish Center of Petaluma
Free Hebrew for Juniors
Chabad Lubavitch of Hamptons
Chabad of Scottsdale
Chabad Lubavitch of Rockland
Chabad of NW Metro Denver
Chabad of Southlake
Chabad of Commerce
Chabad Jewish Community Center of Folsom
Chabad Center for Jewish Life & Learning- San Antonio
Lubavitch of the East End
The Shul of Bellaire
Chabad of Greater Orlando
Evanston Chabad Community Programming
Chabad of North Holywood