Kinus Hashluchim 5783: 136 Hour Farbrengen Becomes Unique Sefer

During one of the most unique Kinussim to date – 5781 – where Shluchim tuned in from around the world to connect with each other via Zoom, thousands across the world merited to experience the longest farbrengen in history – 136 hours in total.

The farbrengen gave a unique opportunity to hear from so many Shluchim on a tremendous range of topics from hadracha and halacha to practical ideas and so much more. So many stories were shared, brachos were given, and hachlatos were executed.

A team of dedicated Shluchim and bochurim have spent months transcribing clips and excerpts from the farbrengen to create a masterpiece which will be available for Shluchim to purchase at a discounted price at the Kinus Registration.