Meretz Activists Put on Tefillin After One of Their Own’s Disgusting Act At Chabad Tefillin Booth
by CrownHeights.info
When a green shirted Meretz activist decided to defile Tefillin at a Chabad Tefillin booth in Eretz Yisroel, his companions decided to fight back, by putting on Tefillin themselves.
The shocking incident took place in Eretz Yisroel as Millions of Israeli’s flock to the voting booths to elect another government, and the infighting is fierce.
With tensions high, a Meretz activist took a pair of tefillin from a Chabad Tefillin booth and do a disgusting act. His actions shocked everyone, even his own fellow activists.
After the incident, all the other Meretz activists decided to “fight back” against the despicable act by putting tefillin on themselves, lining up at the booth and taking photos of themselves putting them on in protest.
The offending “activist” was later detained by the police for questioning.
Meretz Headquarters quickly heard of the incident and disavowed the action, saying that the activist was not recognized by the political party.