TONIGHT: Living Chassidus Women’s Siyum Farbrengen

Living Chassidus is celebrating their siyum farbrengen with Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson speaking about how to take the growth and inspiration from Elul and Tishrei with us for the entire year.

Women are invited to join

6th of Cheshvan | 31st of October

7:45 pm -doors open
8:00 pm – farbrengen

Living Chassidus Center
715 Eastern Parkway basement

To join over Zoom:

Farbrengen recordings will Be”H b”n be uploaded to:



Apple Podcast:

Google Podcast:


An incredible group of 50+ women joined together to do a program called Systematic Avodah Initiative (SAI).

SAI program for Elul and Tishrei consists of the women doing a daily one-page inspirational reading from “60 Day: A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays” by Rabbi Simon Jacobson. Then at least once a week do a private journal entry where they further delve into their personal growth and relationship with Hashem.

Living Chassidus is proud to announce that 14 incredible ladies completed the entire Elul and Tishrei journey without missing a single day of reading, or a week of journaling!

Kol hakavod to:

Adina Lapine

Ariella Zuckerman

Baila Kalendareva

Brochie Mishulovin

Chaya Mushka Weinstein

Devorah Kopelowicz

Esta Sitrin

Geulah Notik

Ruta Cohen

Rochel Spiro

Chaya Matusof

Daniella Conboy

Liba Sher

Yosefa Wood-Isenberg

Here is a 1-minute video recap of Living Chassidus’ Elul and Tishrei programs:

Feedback about the program:

“I am just so grateful for your programs.

I love Elul and want to access its energy, but didn’t know how. The reading and journaling give it such a clear, practical form. 
I love it so much! 
You’re amazing, I love Living Chassidus”

– Brochie Michulovin

“I have to thank you! This is the first time I read through the entire 60 days book! It definitely really positively impacted my Elul/Tishrei and I hope BezH it’ll carry through the rest of the year!”

– Chaya Mushka Weinstein

“In general the prizes were awesome as usual and the speakers were so inspirational. I have been doing SAI for 4 years and it gets better each year.”

– Adina Lapine


Be on the lookout for the next “SAI Chassidishe New Year”, where we run a similar style program based on the Chassidishe Yommim Tovim of Kislev.

This will Be’H be a program to proactively work on your hiskashrus, chassidishkeit, and relationship with the Rebbeim.

To support Living Chassidus and their work:

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Tizku l’mitzvos!