New Program To Revamp Moshiach Education In Chabad Schools
“This year,” says Shimi Shain, a 4th grader at ULY in Crown Heights, “I hope I get to have more Tut Altz classes. They’re fun and easy to understand, and you learn a lot in a short booklet!”
Tut Altz’s complete curriculum, Live with Geulah Now!, is now available for teachers and schools to access for their classrooms. So much more than just a curriculum, Live with Geulah Now! brings the message of living Geulah to life. Based on the Rebbe’s Sichos, carefully curated excerpts, stories, and lessons, paired with delightful design and illustration, fill each month’s segment—a pleasure for students to learn and teachers to teach!
“If we want to fulfill our mission to bring Moshiach, we need to educate the younger generation,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “Our goal with this program is to translate the fundamental concepts of Moshiach into an educational experience that will resonate with our children.”
Live with Geulah Now! is a flexible learning program that can be adapted for groups of all sizes and children in grades 3-7. Visual aids, such as slideshows, add to the well-rounded learning experience. Games and activities make the learning hands-on and enjoyable. The lessons are supplemented with review sheets and stories, and the teacher’s guide allows mechanchim and mechanchos to teach with clarity and ease.
“In the Ve’atah Tetzaveh booklet, we learned that there are sparks in the world that require extra effort to elevate, like some stones that take great effort to clean and polish,” explains Shimi. “After we learned the booklet, we each made a creative project to show what we learned. I worked with my tatty to make a Lego animation video showing the difference between the generations of Moshe Rabbeinu and Mordechai Hatzaddik. I hope I get to learn Tut Altz again this year and can participate in the Hakhel gatherings.”
“Take your students on a journey so they can experience the Live with Geulah Now! attitude,” says Mrs. Pessi Stolik, Director of Tut Altz Kids Curriculum. “It can change the course of their lives, and make Moshiach a reality for them.”
In the Tut Altz membership package, everything is prepared for the teacher—from the student textbooks and weekly Shabbos Table Companions to the teacher’s guide and monthly curriculum trainings. All the individual downloadable lessons are available for free online; membership gives access to the entire package. The package is now available for schools and teachers, its nine segments spanning a 7-month curriculum.
“I was impressed by the effort put into the Tut Altz program,” concludes Rabbi Yossi Shain, Shimi’s father. “It packaged complex concepts in a very child-friendly way to get the kids excited and motivated, which is a great thing that we desperately need more of.”
Tut Altz is now offering a Two-week special! Use Code EARLY when signing up to receive a 15% discount. All package benefits and registration information can be found at tutaltz.com/lwgn.
*Promo code is valid until November 7th- 13 Cheshvan
Contact Tut Altz with any questions you have!
Call or Whatsapp: +1 (347)-343-4514
Email: schools@tutaltz.com
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