This Year Live With The Parsha!
As we start the new year of Chumash, join a daily Sicha Shiur by Rabbi Mendel Gordon, the shiur brings out the practical ideas of the Rebbe’s sichos and ma’amorim into our daily life, a way anyone can understand, Men, Women and Children!
Current shiurim:
– Why start the Torah with Beis not Alef?
– How can praise help someone to elevate them?
– Why is the Rebbe called a Nassi?
– How can I really be connected to Hashem 24/7?
– How to be present and joyous?
– What’s the purpose of this exile?
Join the shiur on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LBFobhMzEwWFWSEZX8bfBN
Listen to the shiur on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7iP1KDlLkvvUkzIFyh6DqR?si=5510b2feb35a4b1b
These programs depend on and are made possible through the generous support of individuals. Partner with us Partner with Torah IrgunTorah.org/partner.
In honor of Shnas Hakhel, as per Rebbe’s directives to increase in Shiurei Torah, If you or your shul would like to start a new shiur, or promote an ongoing shul, please contact us at IrgunTorah@gmail.com.