It’ll Be Aright – A Song About Bitachon

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where it feels like all is lost? A time when you lose your hope, clarity, and confidence?

Do you find it difficult to remain positive through obstacles and challenging times?

“It’ll Be Alright,” the newest release by singer-songwriter Moti Muchnik, a 16-year-old shliach from Oxnard, CA, is an uplifting song that encourages every individual to strengthen their trust in Hashem, who is constantly in control of our lives and caring for our personal wellbeing. No matter how hopeless and unfavorable the situation may seem, positive thoughts and attitudes can change the reality for the better.

The song encourages the listener to recognize that nothing physical can give true security, rather it is the soul, the part of Hashem within, that has faith and security accessible to all intrinsically embedded in its DNA. Digging through the layers of dirt and bringing the treasures buried beneath to the surface allows the G-dly perspective to take priority, the mindset that “It’ll Be Alright”.

We hope and pray for a time when challenges will be of the past, and we will experience a world with peace and tranquility and have the ability to connect to Hashem at all times, with the coming of Moshiach now!
