8:00pm: Doesn’t Fasting Distract Us From Being Introspective?
The topics in this week’s 420th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include:
Chassidus Applied to Yom Kippur
- Why is this time of year so special?
- What opportunities does it offer us?
- What is the building of Malchus during the Ten Days of Teshuva?
- Should we fear Yom Kippur?
- As non-practicing Jews, what is the best way for us to participate in Yom Kippur?
- What does the word holy mean?
- Why did the High Priest pronounce the holy Tetragrammaton on Yom Kippur, and we are not allowed to do so?
- Why do kohanim wear special garments in the Temple?
- How is the Seder Avodah relevant to us today?
- How do the five prayers correspond to the five parts of the soul?
- Why do we go to the mikveh Erev Yom Kippur?
- Why do we have fast days when we are not supposed to punish our bodies?
- Isn’t fasting distracting and counterproductive to being reflective and introspective?
- How are we so sure that we will be completely forgiven?
- Do we have a nuclear option in our davening that is so strong it guarantees Hashem will forgive us on Yom Kippur?
- What is the connection between Yom HaKippurim and Purim?
- Why do we say Kol Nidrei after we already did hatoras nedarim Erev Rosh Hashana?
- If regular laymen have the power to form a court for hatoras nedarim, why can’t they form a court and rule that Moshiach must come immediately?
- Why do we need Yom Kippur if we already fooled the Satan before Rosh Hashana?
- Why do we say Baruch Shem out loud on Yom Kippur?
- If we say some prayers in Aramaic so that the prosecuting angels, who don’t understand Aramaic, can’t interfere, why aren’t all prayers in Aramaic?
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of human experience.
This hour-long dose of insights, broadcast live every Sunday night 8-9PM ET, is meant to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face.
In what has become a staple in so many people’s lives, MyLife: Chassidus Applied has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in week after week. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?
MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
Questions may be submitted anonymously at chassidusapplied.com/ask.