Chabad Artist’s Personal Shofar Challenge Wraps Up


Twenty Four paintings, one for each day of blowing Shofar during the month of Elul, Artist Yitzchak Moully wraps up his personal Elul challenge.

“I wanted to do something special for myself as a way of doing the Avoda of Elul,” Moully told “Each day’s shofar blowing is a unique step in the months work towards Rosh Hashana. So each day a new shofar blowing, each day a unique shofar painting.”

For Moully, the challenge itself has a personal precedent. Each year, after Chatzos on the day of Rosh Hashana, Moully pours his heart and soul into a Shofar painting, attempting to visualize the new energy of the upcoming year.

Just a few days into his personal challenge, Moully has already shown his unique style, blending color and creative art in a distinctly “Moully” work.

Moully’s first painting, marked Aleph Elul, depicted a shofar at the bottom corner of the canvas, with colorful paint drops emanating outwards towards the heavens. His third takes a different direction, with two Shofars together rising and intertwining their colorful ribbons as they reach for the sky.

Now, having completed his personal challenge, Moully looks forward to this coming year.

“As we enter 5783 may we be blessed with revealed blessings and everything we need to complete our unique mission in this world,” he wrote.

Moully’s twenty four pieces of artwork are now available online at