BDE: R’ Anshel Adler, 69, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Anshel “Allen” Adler OBM, a member of the Chabad community in Toronto, Canada. He passed away on Wednesday, the 25th of Elul, 5782.

He was 69 years old.

A dedicated man who was loved by all, Anshel faced a terrible illness that he battled for the last few years.

He is survived by his wife Milly, and children; Eli Adler, Meir Adler, Masha Sacho (Crown Heights), Mrs. Baila Ezagui , Mrs. Chava Rosenfeld (Toronto, Canada), and Tovah Adler, as well as many grandchildren.

The Levaya will take place Thursday in Toronto, passing by Lubavitch at approximately 11:15am.

Shiva will take place at 735 New Westminster Drive Unit 36 through Sunday morning. Masha Sacho will be sitting Shiva shiva Friday and Sunday in Crown Heights at 1569 President St.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes