The Abbreviation For תשפ״ג, is שמחה פורץ גדר Simcha Breaks All Boundaries
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Shliach of the Rebbe Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida gave a speech at the Chai Elul Farbrengen in 770 Eastern Parkway where he told over a Sicha and broke down the abbreviation of this coming year of תשפ״ג.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz shared a Sicha from the Rebbe on the Power of Simcha that Simcha is the key ingredient that is needed to take us out of Galus and bring about the Geulah. The Rebbe in that Sicha suggests and request that we try the approach of Pure Simcha and we will succeed in breaking down the Boundaries of Exile.
This year as we enter the year of תשפ״ג we have the constant reminder of the Abbreviation that שמחה פורץ גדר thru Pure Simcha we can break down the walls of Galus and all have the Geulah the Redemption with Moshiach.