Watch as member of the Badatz of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yosef Braun, gives a fiery speech in 770 about the regulations adopted by the Board of Regents affecting our yeshivos.
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One Comment
Avraham Chaim
Rav Yosef speaks excellent English and is capable of writing curriculum in English. He is more fortunate than many students and graduates of Charedei Yeshivot in New York. I have a friend who was raised in New York and was unable to speak or read English until he was in his 20’s. What happens in the public schools is totally irrelevant.
Avraham Chaim
Rav Yosef speaks excellent English and is capable of writing curriculum in English. He is more fortunate than many students and graduates of Charedei Yeshivot in New York. I have a friend who was raised in New York and was unable to speak or read English until he was in his 20’s. What happens in the public schools is totally irrelevant.