Fewer Dates, More Engagements – How Parents Can Increase Shidduch Success

“What can I do to help?”

If this is a question that you’ve been asking yourself, this zoom was created with you in mind. 

Our children are going on date after date, meeting wonderful, intelligent and very capable singles, and yet many are no closer to marriage. We can’t help but wonder why and if there is anything that we, as parents, can do to change that.

Education is Key! 

The Shidduch House has collaborated with DateWell to bring you informative and practical insight into Shidduchim so that you can be that support in your child’s life.

Rabbi. Dr. Yossi Ives has spent years doing research and is an expert on dating and relationships. He is a qualified life coach and author of 2 books on coaching psychology, including Relationship Coaching. 

He will share with us the psychology of dating and practical tools on how to guide your singles and help them navigate the shidduch process.

What we want and need are successful shidduchim, rather than watching our sons and daughters struggling with dating for many years. We are increasingly seeing our children getting stuck in the shidduch process, and we need to be smarter and more effective in how we address this. Dr. Ives will present true life coaching scenarios while exploring the psychological aspects of the relationship.

The Shidduch house has hosted a variety of events since its inception, catering to singles, parents and shadchanim alike, to really address the issues from all angles and make a significant shidduch difference. We are very excited to present this program in an effort to bring a very important message home, where it all begins.

If you would like your questions answered, please email ahead of time to: info@shidduchhouse.com

Tuesday, September 13th – 17 Elul starting at 8:00 pm.

Zoom meeting: 613 248 1973

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