Chabad Bochur On Mivtzoim Shoved in Anti-Charedi Assault in Tel Aviv


A disgusting incident took place in Tel Aviv this past week when a Chabad Bochur was while on Mivtzoim in what is being termed an anti-Charedi attack.

According to surveillance footage of the incident, the victim, Levi Blau, was walking with two of his fellow bochurim on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv when a man positioned himself to come in contact with the bochur, waiting until he came close and suddenly shoved him.

“We were, as we often do, conducting a weekly ‘tefillin operation’ in Tel Aviv,” the victim said in an interview, “and we were walking down Allenby Street when all of the sudden a man approaches us, shouting ‘charedim’, and shoved me forcibly to the ground.”

The video footage shows the man making pacifying hand gestures following the incident. The video has no audio.

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