Farbrengens and Sichos Making The Rebbe Accessible, Exciting, and Meaningful

Today’s generation of bochurim are in a unique position. While they did not have the privilege to be present at the Rebbe’s farbrengen, they still yearn to learn the Rebbe’s Sichos and connect with the an original farbrengen atmosphere in a authentic way. Hear firsthand accounts how Hanochas guides today’s bochurim through farbrengens and Sichos making it accessible, exciting, and meaningful to them.

The Hanochas program is another way the Vaad Hatmimim is there for today’s bochurim.

Learn more about Vaad Hatmimim by visiting their website: vaadhatmimim.org

Learn more about the Hanochas program by visiting: https://www.vaadhatmimim.org/templates/section_cdo/aid/4739877/jewish/Hanachos.htm