Despite Cancellation, Cincinnati Yeshiva Makes It To Alma Ata

Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, under the leadership of Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, continues through the summer with a special Yeshivas Kayitz. Under the direction of the Hanhalla, and the Talmidei Hashluchim, the Talmidim really grow and benefit B’Ruchnius and Gashmius.

The highlight of the summer is a special Mivtza, consisting of learning and shmiras Hasedarim, which enables at least one boy from each shiur – plus a shliach- to travel to Alma-Ata for Chaf Av. The winners of the raffle excitedly travelled to NY only to find out that the charter flight was cancelled.

This did not stop them. With last minute travel-arrangement by SimpoTravel, the Talmidim flew to ALmaty through Tashkent and back to NY through Miami. They davened for their fellow Talmidim and for MOshiach for Klal Yisroel.It turned out to be an extra-elevating trip as “Lfum Tzaara Agrah – according to the pain is the reward”.