After Another Year and 50 Plus Classes, TanyaOnline Marks Siyum Of Iggeres Hateshuvah

After another Year and 50 plus classes, TanyaOnline marked the siyum on the entire Igeres Hateshuva – The Epistle on Repentance, following the milestone study and conclusion of the first two segments: Le’kutey Amarim, and Shaar Hayichud V’haEmunah

The 30-40 minute (on the average) video classes are given by Rabbi Shimon Aisenbach (director of Chabad Friend of Cuban Jewry (CFCJ).

These lessons emphasize the simple and straightforward meaning of the Tanya, conveyed in clear and simple terminology.  With each lesson including a video and text – on a separate scroll bar – to easily follow along.

After concluding this unique segment of the Alter Rebbe’s, Igeres Ha’Teshuvah  we look forward be”H continuing (beginning with the very next class) with the subsequent segment of the Tanya: Iggeret Hakodesh/The Holy Epistle, (as in the words of the Alter Rebbe’s saintly sons -) “recorded personally by [the Alter Rebbe’s] own holy hand in his own saintly expression…. being mostly epistles sent by his holy eminence to teach the people of Gd the way by which they should walk and the deed which they should do.”, “would add, various of these epistles, underscoring and giving unique perspective to the propitious Mitzvah of Tzedaka/charity”, noted R. Aisenbach.

The lessons, posted Tuesday mornings, are divided according to chapters, averaging between three to four classes per chapter.

The site also includes links to all the previous classes to help the new visitor, (as well to the present learner) access all the previous classes/chapters accordingly.  To join/follow, please visit