Short Film: The Scharf Family
A short film featuring a story of loss and empowerment. After their father’s passing in 5750 (1989), the Rebbe ‘adopted’ the four siblings of the Scharf family, showering the young orphans with attention and affection.
On its debut at the 2022 JEM Foundation Gala on 2 Tammuz, 5782 – June 30, 2022, the film was accompanied by a soul stirring live performance by the world-renowned musician Naor Carmi, who composed a special arrangement of Chasidic Nigunim to accompany the film.
The project has been funded by generous grants from Eli and Shterny Steinmetz of Pomona, New York, and Josh and Robyn Goldhirsch of Melbourne, Australia.
Director: Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin
Cinematography Coordination and Logistics: My Encounter with the Rebbe Project — Chicago: Brett Walkow; Detroit: Adam Luger; New York, Mendel Grossbaum
Archival Research: Rabbi Zalman Ceitlin
Video Editing: Slate Cinema, Chezky Vogel
Special Thanks to: Shea Shmotkin
Original Music Written and Performed by: Naor Carmi
Watch full-length videos of the Rebbe: https://go.jem.tv/YT (microdonation)