YKP Head Staff Member Completes the Entire Shas

Bochurim at Oholei Torah’s Yeshivas Kayitz gathered at their new campus in Lakewood, Pennsylvania, to partake in the grand Siyum Hashas completed by the 8th grade learning director Mendel Bluming.

After many years, he successfully completed the entire Shas – a rare achievement that takes some a lifetime to complete.

The event was lavishly set in honor of the occasion. Bochurim heard words of inspiration from special guests who came to celebrate the momentous occasion. A special video of the Rebbe was played speaking of the importance of Limud Hatorah and learning Shas. 

At the Siyum attended by proud family and friends, he spoke about his journey in completing Shas, by learning at his own pace, but constantly studying. Mendel related to the Bochurim how each and every one of them can accomplish this great achievement.

Mendel stressed the importance of celebrating each milestone, and encouraged others to learn as well, and to keep going, no matter how long it takes, by making learning a personal priority as they enter into their Mesivta years. He thanked his teachers, and family for their support. 

May Mendel together with all the Bochurim of YKP go from strength to strength in their Limud Hatorah and go Meichayil El Chuyil.