JEM Foundation 2022 Gala: Highlight Videos

The 2022 JEM Foundation Gala was held at the TWA Hotel on Erev Gimmel Tamuz, 5782. Existing and prospective Foundation members gathered to celebrate the achievements made possible through their support and, the eve of the Rebbe’s Yahrzeit, to launch the next wave of technologies and projects, assuring that the Rebbe’s voice remains present in a world that, now more than ever, is thirsty for his leadership and inspiration.

The event’s corporate sponsors were Dealmed Medical Supplies, Fox Business Funding, and Brooklyn Brokerage.

The JEM Foundation was created by a group of JEM’s supporters who believe deeply in its mission, to serve as a source of consistent support for JEM’s ongoing work, and a launching pad for innovations in content and access.

Four members of the JEM Foundation spoke at the Gala about why they support the Foundation.

They were Mrs. Ricki Verbitsky, Jerusalem, Israel, Rabbi Aron Grinshtein, Johannesburg, South Africa, Mrs. Inna Kholodenko, Toronto, Canada, and Mr. Yaakov Cohen, Baltimore, Maryland.

Video By: Moshe Raskin, Swish Media

Artistic Director: Ronen Peled Hadad, Aranen Creative Productions