Swift Shiur in Maseches Tomid During the Three Weeks
As we begin the days of Bein Hametzorim, the days in which our mikdosh was recalled l’maalah due to our mistakes, the Rebbe reminds us: rebuilding the 3rd beis Hamikdash is in our hands.
As Hashem said to the Novi Yechezkel: Shall the building of my home be on pause?!” = let then learn about the Bhm”k, and it will be rebuilt!
Following Shabbos 17th of Tammuz a short and concise shiur by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz will be sent out on Meseches Tomid.
This is a project from Irgun Today of Rabbi Avrohom Rutban.
To receive the daily SHiurim, join the Whatsapp chat at https://chat.whatsapp.com/EI1Y9fwx0M9K7v1ohfSKol
Listen to the shiur as a podcast: https://anchor.fm/swift-tomid