Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen for Young Spanish Speaking Shluchim

On Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, nearly 100 children of Anash and Shluchim from across Latin America, gathered in a special virtual rally to prepare themselves for Gimmel Tammuz. The rally, organized by Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz of MyShliach and Rabbi Chai Kohan of the Spanish Desk at Merkos 302, was one of several rallies and farbrengens offered by them throughout the year in order to meet the need to uplift and inspire the young Spanish speaking Shluchim with a vibrant Hiskashrus.

The children-whose locations spanned across Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama-heard from the MC, Rabbi Yaakov Abudraham, about the necessity of having a Rebbe, the meaning of Hiskashrus, and how to stay connected to the Rebbe. They watched an inspiring video of the Rebbe singing a Niggun.

A special presentation on the Rebbe’s relationship with kids, showcasing moving encounters and unique moments, was played for the assembled. The children were addressed by Rabbi Shlomie Taubenfligel, director of Tzivos Hashem in Argentina. He related several stories about the Rebbe that conveyed the depth of the Rebbe’s concern for his Chassidim.

The event’s focal point was when all the children took the time to sit down and write their own pan to the Rebbe. The earnestness with which they approached this task was palpable. To see young children invest themselves and commit their thoughts and feelings to the Rebbe in such a profound way was a deeply moving experience for those who witnessed it.

The pesukim were recited with great chayus, and prizes-gift certificates to Kehos and water bottles with the MyShliach logo-were raffled off, to be mailed to their lucky winners.

Bracha Karniel a Shlucha from Panama City shares, “In the morning, I announced to my children that when they returned from school, we would attend a kinus for Gimmel Tammuz and they were waiting all day. They arrived from school and got ready right away to join the event. The program, as always, was very well thought out, full of tochen and with good timing. My children participated with a lot of chayus, they even invited some friends to participate with them. The highlight of the program was when each child wrote their own pan, it was very emotional.”

For the Gutierrez family Shluchim to La Paz, Mexico, the event was a special Chinuch opportunity. The difficulties of providing an optimal Chinuch and the social isolation that comes with having no other Shluchim in the city is a constant challenge, and this program provided a unique opportunity for them to connect with other Lubavitch children and experience a special Hachana “The program was very special for my children. Being able to participate, see other shluchim kids from all over the world, to say pesukim and connect to the Rebbe is invaluable. To be able to live in La Paz México and still give our kids the opportunity to participate in a rally for Gimmel Tammuz is just incredible” says Rabbi Yosef Y. Gutierrez.