Mikvah.org Announces Lineup of Incredible Summer Events

Now that things have quieted down for everyone, Mikvah.org is proud to announce the first of a lineup of incredible summer events.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 7 Tammuz, July 6th, we will be hosting a Q and A session by Mrs. Pamela Klein LCSW on all matters intimacy related. 

8:30 PM at mikvah.org/zoom.

Mikvah.org is currently running a Taharas Hamishpacha 7 week review series, by Mrs. Bracha Sternberg, in Hebrew and English, and you can still join if you missed the first class!

Hebrew class will be on Mondays at 1130 AM

English class will be on Tuesdays 11:30 AM

Please mark your calendars for all our upcoming summer events:

2 part series on Kisui Rosh by Mrs. Sarah Rayzel Wagner 

14 and 21 Tammuz, July 13 and 20.

3 part series titled “Conversations with our Bochurim” 

Hashkafa with Rabbi Asher Farkash, 28 Tammuz, July 27

Dr. Gavriel Fagin PhD, 6 and 13 Av, August 3 and 10

To dedicate any of our sessions to a loved one, or to participate in our vital work, please consider a contribution to mikvah.org/donate.