A Unique Summer Camp Enters Its Third Year
by Zelig Katzman
At this time of year, Lubavitch children around the world excitedly prepare to go to summer camps where they will make new friends and create memories in an atmosphere of yiras shomayim and hiskashrus. Yet, for a subset of Yaldei HaShluchim, this is a distant dream. For many, the geographical distance between them and the nearest Gan Yisroel presents an insurmountable obstacle in their quest for a fun, Chassidishe summer.
Enter MyShliach virtual camp, a dream come true for Shluchim, parents and children alike. An exhilarating camp experience for young Shluchim the world over, all without having to set foot outside their homes. In this camp, Yaldei Hashluchim from all over the world create friendships and memories that last far longer than when they log off from their camp Zoom room.
MyShliach virtual day camp was initially established in response to the worldwide lockdowns of 2020, which precluded many young shluchim from traveling to the summer camps they usually attended. Seeing the many innovative ways Zoom technology was being used to alleviate some of the isolation created by quarantine, and recognizing the challenges many Shluchim were facing in trying to care for their families while staying focused on their Shlichus, the MyShliach team, led by its program director, Rabbi Shaya Itkin, leapt into action, creating a summer experience for young Shluchim mimicking a real camp, with the structure, social interaction and energy all without the need for extensive travel.
Even after lockdowns became a thing of the past, the camp remained an incredible option for the many Young Shluchim who are planning to stay home for the summer.
The day camp consists of two and a half hours of fun, starting with Hayom Yom and Davening, all led by dedicated staff who endeavor to give their campers a substantially equivalent experience to those of their peers in “real camps.” The campers engage in exciting games and are challenged to compete in learning Mishnayos Baal Peh. They also have time each day dedicated to simply socializing and getting to know their newfound friends from around the world.
“Our staff expend a lot of effort in creating a hands-on, interactive program, with various projects and arts-and-crafts, so that the children are not merely sitting in front of a screen being entertained but are actively engaged in the camp experience,” says Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, director of MyShliach.
Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, director of Merkos 302, shared the profound gratitude he sees from Shluchim the world over “The parents who contacted me described to me how their children woke up so eager to participate in this amazing program, excited to be on time. They shared how after the program their kids were busy on the phone chatting with new friends. One father is awed by his young son asking to be “farhered” on Mishnayos Baal Peh during the weeks of camp. The effects of this camp are priceless”.
This camp began as a reaction to international lockdowns and isolation. Now it has become a response to the need of Shluchim around the world in search of a wholesome camp experience for their children.
The MyShliach Virtual Camp is for boys and girls in grades K- 4 from 10:00 AM through 12:30 PM every day. There are two tracks, EST and PST (Depending on enrollment).
Session 1: July 18 – July 29
Session 2: August 1 – August 12
To find out more or to register, visit www.myshliach.com/mvc