Your Kids…Their Summer! A Pre-Camp Presentation for Parents
Sending children to camp requires that we prepare them mentally, emotionally and practically.
The reality is that we can’t control our children’s experiences but our responses and communication strategies can have lasting impacts for better or for worse.
In this presentation, Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton of Chinuch Through Connection and Rabbi Yarden Blumstein collaborated for an honest, authentic, and practical discussion to share ideas and a clear understanding of what a parents role should and can be in regards to sending our kids to camp!
Before, during and after the summer.
Whether this is your first time or you’re a seasoned parent this video is for you!
You will walk away with:
- Ways to handle your kids’ big emotions about camp without deflecting, dismissing or saving your child.
- Understanding your role in communicating with your kids in camp and with directors and staff on site.
- How to debrief the camp experience and unpack the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly.
They have both had the privilege to train camp staff, guide camp directors through challenging situations, and advise parents who have struggled with camp related issues.
Rabbi Chaiton also trains many camps across the country and is available for pre camp training or mid summer sessions. He can be reached at chinuchthruconnection@gmail.com.
Rabbi Blumstein can be reached at: Yarden@friendshipcircle.org