Ukraine Refugees in Israel Surprised with ‘Your Jewish Kit’
Hundreds of Jewish refugee families, scattered across Israel, are currently receiving a special surprise welcome gift, ‘Your Jewish Kit’, packed with basic Judaica products for every Jewish home. The kits are delivered by FJC Rabbis from across Ukraine, who personally visit the homes of their former community members.
The ‘Welcome’ kits will help the families who receive them strengthen their Jewish connection and integrate into Israeli society and educational institutions, while being reassured that their communities and leaders are continuing to care for their physical and spiritual well-being.
The kits have been specially designed for the target audience of immigrants from Ukraine by the Federation of Jewish Communities (FJC). They are being assembled and distributed by the Chabad Ba’aliya organization, in a joint venture aiming to maintain the families’ strong connection to Judaism by connecting them to Russian-speaking communities in Israel.
The kits include a white tablecloth for Shabbat, crystal salt cellar, challah tray and cover, charity ‘pushke’ box, candlesticks for Shabbat candles, hand washing cup, a honey dish, menorah, besomim spice box and candle holder for havdalah, siddur ,tehilim and chumash in Russian, mezuzah, kiddush cup, themed dolls for the children and much more.
“This is a tool kit,” one of the rabbis explained, “enabling the families to observe basic Jewish life. We are here to make sure they can continue to be part of a Russian-speaking community in Israel, just as they enjoyed and experienced back in Ukraine.”