Meaningful Interviews: R’ Zalman Sirota Part #2 – Keeping Shabbos, Coming to Eretz Yisrael, Working for Free, R’ says no Kollel, Shlichus in NJ

Reb Zalman Sirota grew up in Russia during the 1950-60s. Greatly impacted by his grandfathers – Reb Mordechai Sirota and Reb Yisroel Olidort – to live a Torah and Chasidic life, he gives us details from “within” of what it was like as a child and teenager in that environment.

In this episode we delve into how he and his siter avoided going to school on Shabbos; Leaving Russia for Eretz Yisrael; Coming to Rebbe as part of the Kevutza 1972; Flying out during Yom Kippur war; Working for FREE; Rebbe guides him to not go to Kollel but work in FREE; Marriage; and moving to NJ to help a Shliach.