Shabbos Achdus – A Bakosha Nafshis
Join the childrens’ Achdus gatherings b’ezras Hashem this Shabbos, 5 Sivan!
The Rebbe requested, as a Bakosha Nafshis, that Jewish children, the guarantors for Torah, gather together on the Shabbos before Mattan Torah. This mirrors the unity our people displayed, as they stood at Har Sinai, “K’ish echod, b’lev echod,” as one man, with one heart.
The Torah and Tefillah of children hold tremendous power, and help our brethren in Eretz Yisroel, and the world over. In fact, before the surprise outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, the Rebbe asked that specifically the children gather to daven and say words of Torah, in fulfillment of the possuk, “מִפִּי עוֹלְלִים וְיֹנְקִים יִסַּדְתָּ עֹז… לְהַשְׁבִּית אוֹיֵב וּמִתְנַקֵּם,” “Out of the mouths of young children You established the power . . . to put an end to enemy and avenger!”
Let us harness the power of children and their unity, to bring Moshiach now!
The programs will b’ezras Hashem run from 5:15 – 6:00pm.
Boys’ Program at 770.
Girls’ Program at Lubavitcher Yeshiva, 570 Crown Street, Albany Avenue Entrance.
Please note that only children and madrichim / madrichos will be allowed in to the program.