Starting Today: 21 Lubavitch Mesivtas Unite for Moshiach Chidon
Starting TODAY, Bochurim from Yeshivos around the world will be joining together in learning the very important and timely concepts of Moshiach U’Geula, upon the Rebbe’s instruction of the fastest and most direct way to bring Moshiach.
Participating Yeshivos include:
YTTL Antwerp – Lubavitch Mesivta of Scottsdale Arizona – Yeshiva Ketana Brunoy – Chovevei Torah – Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati – Mesivta of Coral Springs – Detroit Lubavitch Yeshiva – Mesivta D’Kingston – Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles – OYY Manchester – YC Melbourne – The Monsey Mesivta – YTTL Moscow – Yeshivas Kerem Menachem Montreal – YBDS New Haven Mesivta – Oholei Torah Mesivta – Beis Sholom Postville – YTT Queens – Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto – Ohr Tmimim Toronto – Mesivta Menachem Westchester
A beautiful user-friendly curriculum was prepared, discussing the final 2 Perakim of the Rambam, which talk about Melech HaMoshiach, and what will take place upon His arrival.
To accommodate all Yeshivos, there are booklets in English, Lashon Kodesh and Yiddish!
The Bochurim will be tested on the material in 3 sections, ending with a grand Chidon Gameshow where the finalists from each Yeshiva will be able to compete on stage! [Stay tuned for the Chidon Winner’s Reward!]
There will be raffles for seforim between all the participants after each test, as well as an automatic prize for every Bochur who excels and passes the final!
In addition, every Yeshiva with at least %50 of their Yeshiva participating (passed the final), will receive an item from the Rebbe, to raffle off between the Bochurim of THEIR own Yeshiva!
To have another Yeshiva join, and to take part, contact chidonmoshiach@gmail.com.
May the Hachloto of us uniting together, bring the Hisgalus of Moshiach, with the Bochurim standing on the front lines!