Hatzalah Coordinator Gives Halachic Guidance for Emergency Care on Shabbos

Recently Kollel Anash of Crown Heights had the honor of hosting a senior member of the Crown Heights’ Hatzalah for a practical halacha shiur. Rabbi Yossi Friedman, a Hatzalah coordinator, gave a shiur on the laws pertaining to emergency care on Shabbos. Besides for his medical expertise, R’ Yossi is proficient in the practical halachos associated with care for the ill. 

The topic was timely one, as the Kollel members are currently learning these halachos in depth with Shas and Poskim. Below is a list of some of the topics covered during the Shiur:

*Why did Hatzalah members start to carry their radios on Shabbos? In what manner should they be carried?

*If one is released from the hospital on Shabbos, may one take a taxi home?

*Can Hatzalah members drive home from the hospital after a call, or is it better a non-Jew drives the ambulance back?

*Can one turn off the car after returning from an emergency call?

*May one be mechalel Shabbos for a person with asthma who is wheezing? How about an allergic reaction?

*If one is unsure whether a cut necessitates stiches, may one be mechalel Shabbos?

Kollel Anash is located at Congregation Anash 770 Montgomery Street and is under the directorship of Rabbi Michoel Lerner. The Kollel was founded and is sponsored by Rabbi Dovid Fischer, Rov of Congregation Anash.

To watch and listen to R’ Yossi Friedman’s shiur click here: