Tut Altz Kids Releases V’atah Tetzaveh Curriculum For Kids
In a new, groundbreaking series, Tut Altz Kids is exploring Emunah, Rebbe, and the meaning of self-sacrifice in today’s generation. Based on the most recent Maamor given by the Rebbe, V’atah Tetzaveh, the series is divided into four segments, each delving into a Chassidic lesson that can be easily applied by our children in their daily lives. “For a Maamor to be brought down in easy-to-understand terms that children are able to grasp and internalize is phenomenal,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. “This will give them a real sense of hiskashrus to the Rebbe.”
“We see this Maamor as the blueprint the Rebbe gave us to usher in Moshiach,” explains Mrs. Pessi Stolik, Director of Curricula at Tut Altz Kids. “Through using real-life stories, child-friendly language, guided discussion questions, and fun, hands-on activities, the lessons become real and relevant to our students. Our goal is to engage as many children as possible, empowering them with the Rebbe’s message.”
In what can best be described as a fun, entertaining kids’ magazine fused with a student workbook, the curriculum booklets contain themed illustrations, eye-catching layout and design, brief Hebrew-language excerpts, and color-coded worksheets and slides. “The Tut Altz Kids curriculum is made in a way that is easy to understand and relatable to everyone,” says Mrs. Yaffa Kenan, middle school teacher at Cheder Chabad New Haven. “I specifically like the way the information is clearly written and simplified.”
The series’ first segment was piloted before Pesach, with Part II being released on Rosh Chodesh Iyar. The parts will be released every two weeks until the end of the school year, wrapping up at the conclusion of the school year. Geared for grades 3-7, students can learn the material at their own pace, in chavrusa style, or in a classroom setting. A teacher guide and supplementary slideshow are included in the curriculum as well.
“It’s great for families, too,” says Mrs. Gitel Naparstek, Moshiach Office co-director. “The series will round off with a Global Creative Project based on the learning, with incredible grand prizes!”
Parts and Dates:
Part One: Emunah for Everyone: Released 11 Nissan (April 12)
Learning about the concept of Raaya Mehemna, the representative of Moshe Rabbeinu of each generation
See Sample: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7x7oo3h3k374ly/Tut%20Altz%20Ve%27atah%20Tetzaveh%20Booklet.pdf?dl=0
Part Two: The Greatest Generation: Released today: 1 Iyar (May 1)
Comparing the dor hamidbor to the Yidden at the time of gezeiras Haman. What is the power of mesiras nefesh?
Part Three: Crushed & Pure: To be released: 14 Iyar (May 15)
Exploring the nature of galus under oppression and the amazing accomplishments of the Frierdiker Rebbe
Part Four: Longing for Geulah: To be released: 28 Iyar (May 29)
The unique avodah of dor shvii: When things are good b’gashmius, how do we make Moshiach the only thing we want?
To receive access to this fantastic program, visit TutAltz.com/kids. The series is FREE for the next two months upon registration.
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