The Rebbe’s Impact on Rabbi Simcha Elberg, He Grew A Beard

by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin

It was important that there be a haskama from Agudas Harabonim, at the time the prestigious Rabbinic organization representing the yeshivish and litvish world, for the sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon (HPZ) by Rabbi Moshe Wiener, (RW).

R’ Avrohom Shmuel Levine (ASL) arranged for him to drive Rabbi and Reb. Elberg to the airport. During the trip the sefer was discussed and Rabbi Elberg dictated his Haskama to ASL in Rabbi Wiener’s presence. In the Haskama he wrote “Rabim bavonoseinu nechshalim bazeh” despite his own appearance at the time.

The Haskama was published in HPZ on Agudas Harabonim letterhead.

After the sefer was published members of Agudas Harabonim protested the Haskama especially since some did not have full beards.

ASL informed RW that Rabbi Elberg was under such immense pressure that he was planning on printing a hachasha in HaPardes.

RW was very concerned that such a hachasha would severely damage the credibility of the sefer.

RW informed the Rebbe. Thereafter Rabbi Klein asked him for additional detail.

ASL advised that RW meet with Rabbi Elberg in an attempt to calm him and encourage that he not print the hachasha.

ASL arranged that RW would wait outside 770 after Rabbi Elberg had a speaking engagement and ASL would bring him to his car as his ride home so he would have the entire trip to speak with him.

Rabbi Elberg entered the car, sat in the front passenger seat and started staring at him as he pulled away. He turned red and screamed out “Der Mechaber” and began an angry tirade about how much trouble he caused him from the Rabbonim of Agudas Harabonim and how he could not have written “Rabim bavonoseinu harabim nechshalim bazeh” etc. Suddenly he calmed down and began telling him how the Lubavitcher Rebbe just spoke to him (after Mincha in Gan Eden Hatachton) about the sefer praising it immensely and encouraging Rabbi Elberg to speak about the inyan at his Sheviei shel Pesach drasha and publish about it in HaPardes. Rabbi Elberg told him he agreed to do so and on Sheviei Shel Pesach he delivered a drasha in the 14th Avenue Agudah which was published in HaPardes in Tamuz 5738 and later in Imrei Simcha volume one.

I was at the drasha and walked away perplexed. How could Rabbi Elberg say this when he at the time didn’t have a full beard. Now, 55 years later I understand the history and background. Rabbi Elberg listened to the Rebbe in face of him not having a full beard. And guess what? Because of that drasha he grew a full beard!

Sometimes one must wait 55 years to see the full picture…


  • Shaalas tam

    5738 + 55 = 5793.

    Perhaps THIS author meant (5782 – 5738 =) 44 years ago.

    But surely the Haskama of RE was more accurate.