Hilchos Tahara Series for Men To Launch in Crown Heights

B’shaah Tovah, Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ is proud to announce a new Halacha series for married men focusing on the Halachos and Hashkafa of Hilchos Taharas Hamishpacha.

In regards to family Tahara, the Rebbe encouraged us to ponder deeply on a fascinating parallel: “Imagine Hashem were to give you the opportunity to save a Jewish community from extinction Ch”v, you would certainly risk your life for this in addition to thanking and praising Hashem for this great kindness in offering you an opportunity of such enormous merit. The same holds true to and even to a greater degree in regard to Taharas Hamishpacha; an endeavor which literally saves lives!” (Hayom Yom Adar, 10)

The 5 week series of Shiurim will take place weekly at 8:00 pm in Empire Shteibel, 489 Empire Blvd. The shiurim will be given by a a group of Rabbonim and Chosson Teachers covering a wide range of topics.

Class 1: “How To Ask a Shaalah” – Thursday, 4 Iyar
By Rabbi Y. Yeshaya Braun – Mara D’asra and Badatz Member

Class 2: Defining Nidda – Wednesday, 10 Iyar
By Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov – Beis Horaah of Crown Heights

Class 3: Shivah Nekiim & Vestos – Tuesday, 16 Iyar
By Rabbi Yehuda L. Altein – Chosson Teacher, Translator of Tahara K’halacha

Class 4: Harchakos – Wednesday, 24 Iyar
By Rabbi Pesach Schmerling – Chosson Teacher and Shliach

Class 5: Hashkafa & Sholom Bayis – Wednesday, 2 Sivan
By Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz – Mechanech and Taharas Habayis Director
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For a Live link or recording, subscribe here: Tiny.one/THreview .
“We are sure that every participant will gain tremendously from this series” the organizers say, “What better way to prepare for Matan Torah than to strengthen the foundations of your home?”

Stay tuned for upcoming Machon Taharas Habayis events and projects including the long awaited Chosson Teacher Training Course which will be launching soon as well as podcasts and Shiurim.
For more information please email as at info@taharashabayis.com