Beis Iyar Virtual Farbrengen with head Shluchim of Russia and Ukraine

The 67th Aniversarry of the founding of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad Hamerkozis will be observed with a virtual Farbrengen. 

Tzeirei Agudas Chabad Hamerkozis, the Central Lubavitch Youth Organization was founded by the Rebbe on Beis Iyar 5755 (1955) — 67 years ago. Beis Iyar is the birthday of the Rebbe Maharash (“Lechatchilah Ariber”) and the Sefirah of “Tiferes Shebitiferes.”

Guest speakers at the virtual-global Farbrengen will be Rabbi Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi, Russia; Rabbi Moshe Moskowitz, head Shliach Charkov, Ukraine; Rabbi Avrohom Wolff, head Shliach Odessa, Ukraine; Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Wolff, head Shliach Kherson, Ukraine; Rabbi Sholom Gottlieb head Shliach Nikolayev, Ukraine; Rabbi Yisroel Silberstein, head Shliach Chernigov, Ukraine; Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen, head Shliach Mariupl, Ukraine. 

The virtual Farbrengen will take place on Monday evening, the eve of Beis Iyar, the night of the Sefirah  of “Tiferes Shebitiferes,” (May 2, 2022) at 9:00 PM. 

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