Mikvah.org: Spring Wellness Learning Series Begins this Wednesday

Mikvah.org has announced its upcoming spring women’s wellness learning series to benefit women in various stages of life.

Beginning this evening 8:30 pm, Wednesday, 26 Nissan, April 27, with the first of a two part series for women approaching their forties.

“Menopause from the Medical perspective” Veteran Kallah teacher and mikvah.org program director Mrs. Sara Morozow, will be leading a Q and A presentation by Dr Ezra Dori M, a leading obstetrician-gynecologist in New York City who has been serving the community for over 25 years.


Part two coming up next week:
“The Halachic, Hashkafic and Emotional perspective on Menopause” by two renowned Kallah teachers, Mrs. Esther Piekarski and Mrs. Chaya Klein.

Stay tuned for the rest of the series, addressing pregnancy loss, perinatal experiences, and more.