A Bar Mitzvah in Cancun, Mexico
by CrownHeights.info
At the Royal Passover, a Pesach Program in The Hilton In Cancun, Mexico, you might expect to find a Jewish Chef.
Yossi Farro, a bochur who was spending Pesach at the program, discovered that one of the chefs at the program were in fact Jewish, and decided to wrap Tefillin on him. It turns out, that at thirty years old, the young man had never before put on Tefillin, and had his “Bar Mitzvah” right then and there.
Farro has a penchant for Mivtza Tefillin, making headlines in the Jewish world after he was threatened by a deranged man while putting on Tefillin on the streets of Manhattan. His response to that incident,, putting tefillin on those who came to assist him.
Yisroel Benshimon
You keep making La zal proud!
mr. gelt
Unbelievable! yossi went on shlichus all the way to mexico!!!
Really big fan
Yossi is the top shliach in the world! First mesiras nefesh on the streets of Manhattan – and now this!