Who Will Educate The Educators?

I am an administrator of a network of Chabad day schools and the summer vacation is approaching. I was considering arranging professional educational courses with certification for my teachers and staff so that they can have better tools, and learn new methods of education. I would also like to arrange Farbrengens for my staff. Is this something that the Rebbe encouraged?

Yasher Koach on considering taking this initiative. There is no question that the Rebbe approves and encourages continuous growth and inspiration for educators. The following are a sample of the many letters of the Rebbe on this very important topic:

  1. “I really had pleasure from your notification that you arranged a Farbrengen for the teachers and that you explained to (and inspired) them on certain matters concerning their holy work. It is my strong hope that you will arrange such events on a steady basis. The importance of such activities can’t be evaluated. This is because each teacher is responsible for a certain group of students, thus any positive influence on the teacher has a multiplied effect though all their students.” (Igros, Vol. 10 p. 257; #3218).
  2. “It is self-understood that creating preparatory courses for teachers from Anash, is a very very good idea.” (Igros, Vol. 12 p. 56; #3862).
  3. “The idea to set up expedited courses to prepare teachers during the time of vacation is a very very good idea. This is even if there was no worry that the government will demand certification from the teachers for the coming year. It is certain that you will work on this with full enthusiasm and it would be a good idea that even certified teachers join — at least some of — the courses. This will help them review the material as well as pick up new ideas.” (Igros, Vol. 9 p. 168; #2790).
  4. “It is my understanding that in the upcoming weeks there will be educational courses under the leadership of Rabbi Zilberstrom. It is my intention that you participate with full involvement and will acquire the necessary knowledge so that you will be able to use your abilities to positively influence those around you, as you will be certified. The way things work is that people like to first see the certification and then they learn to respect that person that received the certification.” (Igros, Vol. 17 p. 256; #6405).
  5. It is shocking that you do not mention in your letter the “food for the way” that you prepared for the students for the time of their vacation, and (it is shocking your failure to mention) the professional development courses for the teachers during these weeks. It is very important to use these opportunities to lay out the general points and direction that needs improvement in their profession. “ (Igros, Vol. 11 p. 330; #3716).
  6. In 5718, the Rebbe released a clarion-call for Anash to get involved in Chinuch. The Rebbe then wrote the following: “It is certain that in order to fulfill the job properly, one needs to have knowledge in a few professional areas of education. There are those that already have them and some that have partial knowledge and can quickly fill in the gap. The rest (those that are missing all the tools and knowledge) can get these tools in quick ways (courses) and also can be made up through the actual experience of teaching”. (Igros, Vol. 16 p. 174; #5951).
  7. The following is an interesting answer to a teacher that went to the courses but did not go to the actual test. The Rebbe wrote to him: “Even after reading all the reasons you provided for your decision, I do not understand the conclusion: There was certainly no damage by going and it is possible that you would have passed some of the tests and possibly all. You write that you have a weak memory, that is only the yetzer hara trying to get you to become lazy.” (Igros, Vol. 15 p. 373; #5699)

In conclusion, this endeavor is certainly a positive one and I wish you hatzlacha in your noble undertaking.