Hundreds of Bochurim Pack Oholei Torah For Matanos Initiative

Hundreds of Bochurim gathered in Oholei Torah for a grand Seder Sichos and historic event in connection with the ‘Matanos’ initiative.

A three-part visual presentation on the theme of “Kuloi Orah” – the light of my lofe, was the highlight of the event. The videos featured Rabbi’s Sholom Ber Lipskar, Mendel Scharf, Mendy Katz, and Moshe Gurary and covered the topics of Mivtzoim, Limud Toraso and Tziur Pnei Harav.

Following the presentations Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor spoke on the general theme on the event and explained how all three presentations represent the theme.

At the conclusion of the event, the Bochurim who participated in the initiative received money towards their flight.

The ‘Matanos’ initiative, a project of Vaad Hatmimim led with dedication by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein, was organized by Shneur Deren, Meir Deren Bentzion Shtrocks, and Mendel Goldman, as well as Mottel Greizman, Shabi Sofer, Mendel Gopin, Levi Katz, Mendel Azimov, and Gedalia Hertz.

The Vaad Hatmimim Yud-Aleph Nissan programs are made possible by Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchok Gutnick in honor of the Rebbe.