Where can you go for age-old ancient values transmitted via the most cutting-edge technology?

If you guessed some live Torah streaming-video website or a PDA loaded with the entire Tanach, Shas, Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, you're not that far off. Among the many Frum adaptations to the Information Age is what is perhaps the first school of its kind – the Shluchim Online School, presented by the Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim division of The Shluchim Office.

Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim Online School – Registration for 5767/8 Now Open

Where can you go for age-old ancient values transmitted via the most cutting-edge technology?

If you guessed some live Torah streaming-video website or a PDA loaded with the entire Tanach, Shas, Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, you’re not that far off. Among the many Frum adaptations to the Information Age is what is perhaps the first school of its kind – the Shluchim Online School, presented by the Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim division of The Shluchim Office.

Launched two years ago through a founding sponsorship by Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe & Rutty Weiss and expanded by gifts from other donors, the Online School is essentially (in today’s tech parlance) a webinar: A Web-based seminar in which presenters are heard and seen live on the Internet by participants who can log in worldwide.

But here, the presenters are schoolteachers and the participants are children of Shluchim who do not have a Jewish school anywhere near their Shlichus post.

Like a real classroom, the students of the Shluchim Online School can see and hear their teachers (and the teachers their students) via the now-commonplace magic of computers equipped with webcams and microphones.

Now in its second year, the highly interactive Shluchim Online School continues to grow and reach new milestones. This year offers several firsts, including the hiring of veteran educator Mrs. Gitty Rosenfeld as a full-time principal, a full Limudei Kodesh curriculum, and over 60 separate classes each day for boys and girls for all elementary and junior high school grades. Other additions include an entire Hebrew-speaking division that includes everything in the regular program; extended after-school class hours (registration to launch after the Tishrei season); extra Friday classes; and a focus on extra-curricular learning, progress and growth.

Students “attend” by simply logging in to an extensively programmed website via their home computers at assigned class times. Each grade has its own “classroom” in which every student present can see and hear the teacher as well as his or her fellow students. And all of this right from their computer at home, in their isolated Shlichus location.

“We want to give each child a chance to not only receive a top-quality Chinuch, but to improve their social skills in this unique school environment as well,” says Mrs. Rosenfeld.

And now, after numerous inquiries by Shluchim, and popular demand, the Shluchim Online School’s registration for school year 5767/8 is finally open. For more information or to register for the upcoming school year, please click Here. http://www.shluchim.org/main/inside.asp?id=1416

One Comment

  • fan of online school

    this program is amazing for all those out of town shluchim – great idea!!ans I have heard that th ekids love it and feel like they are part of a class.