ELAL Inaugurates Relaunch of Boston -Tel Aviv Route, Places Mezuzos On New Offices
by CrownHeights.info
After two years of a near stop of all plane travel to and from Israel due to the pandemic, ELAL inaugurated the relaunch of its Boston – Tel Aviv route this Sunday.
The relaunch party, filled with executives and officials, included an important addition, ChabadAir.
The inaugural event included prestigious officials including Meron Reuben, Israel’s Consul General to New England, Todd Smith of Director Massport Aviation Operations, Mark Sullivan Executive Director of Massachusetts International Trade and Investment, and Mark Cavaliere Senior Vice President of Americas El Al Israel Airlines.
Rabbi Yossi Rapp of ChabadAir was on hand to affix Mezuzos on the company’s operations and security offices, and join the other officials in celebrating the reopening of the route.
ELAL was purchased over the pandemic by Orthodox Jew and former Monsey resident Eli Rosenberg, the son of Naftali Rosenberg who owns the Centers chain of nursing homes and healthcare centers.
Eli, an Israeli citizen, bought the company and has already implemented some major changes, including a trial of set davening times on ELAL flights.
ChabadAir presently runs booths at ELAL terminals in two major US airports including one at New York City’s JFK.