Website Offers Curated Collection of Yud Alef Nissan Learning, Listening and Watching
We’ve already bentched the month of Nissan and the Rebbe’s 120th birthday—11 Nissan—is around the corner. The Rebbe dedicated many farbrengens and sichos to this auspicious day, and many Chassidim have farbrenged at length on it. But with so much information out there, it isn’t always easy to find what you’re looking for, or choose which of the many sichos to learn.
This year, Vaad Or Vechom’s team have launched a resource website with curated picks of sichos, farbrengen audio and video, and articles in Hebrew and English as well as many hours of Chassidishe farbrengens by noted mashpi’im and rabbonim.
The features of the Rebbe—sichos, audio and video—will be updated every second day, allowing users to gain fresh insight and inspiration every time they visit the site.
Click here to prepare for Yud Alef Nissan with Vaad Or Vechom