Education and Sharing Day Declared In San Antonio, Texas

The Rabbis of Chabad in San Antonio, led by Rabbi Chaim Block, were hosted Thursday by Mayor Ron Nirenberg at City Hall to sign a proclamation designating April 12 as Education and Sharing Day in San Antonio. 

This day corresponds to the 120 birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of blessed memory.

The Rebbe dedicated his life to education and commitment to ethics and morality both in the Jewish community and beyond. He taught that all peoples are created in the image of G-d and can reach their full spiritual potential through the adherence to the Seven Universal Noahide laws that bind all humanity as children of G-d.  

Every person has something they can share and contribute. Please take a moment this April 12th to reflect on how you can make our world a holier and kinder place through your individual acts of goodness and kindness.

We thank Mayor Ron Nirenberg for welcoming us to City Hall and for so enthusiastically endorsing the value of education and sharing in our community. 

Learn more about Education and Sharing Day USA.