Women and Girls Around the Globe Unite to Turn the World BRIGHT SIDE UP
“It’s upside down and I don’t know just how I’m gonna fix it.”
A line from a popular kids song. But it’s wrong. We do know how to fix it! It is true that our world has been turned upside down, and now things that we never expected to happen are happening. Therefore NOW is the time that we mirror the insanity of the world for the good. If we want to turn this world right side up, we need to add light. A lot of light. Right side up is “BRIGHT SIDE UP!”
It states in yalkut shemoni,
״אם אתם משמרים נרות של שבת, אני מראה לכם נרות של ציון״
“If you guard the shabbos candles, I will show you the candles of tzion.”
Shabbos candles are the solution to the craziness that’s been going on, the solution to this galus!
The Rebbe told us uniquely as women that the מבצע of נש״ק is our strength and our weapon to wrestle the darkness and reveal גאולה. Let us take advantage of these last few days of Adar, the month of venahapichu, and really take heed to what that truly means. Let us turn this upside down world BRIGHT SIDE UP and welcome Moshaich here today!
We have created a grand neshek campaign in order to accomplish this mission of bringing the long awaited geula! The idea of this campaign is that in just 48 HOURS we will collectively give out 20K shabbos candles to our fellow women and girls around the globe. We will combat the darkness with the light of our shabbos candles! THIS week all schools, mosdos, and shluchim will stand together to reach this incredible goal!
For this purpose, we have adapted the Charidy campaign page to reflect a נש״ק campaign page. Today and tomorrow, כ״א-כ״ב אדר, you will give something worth so much more than money. You will give candles. You will give an opportunity for a mitzvah. You will give light to the world!
There are 3 simple steps to follow:
1. Find your team page (if you’re not part of a school just click “number of neshek” to add) on the Charidy website https://www.charidy.com/20kFlames
2. Fill in the number of neshek that you gave out.
3. Keep spreading more light, keep repeating the first two steps, and bring Moshiach now!!!
As a bonus, for every four neshek you give out you will receive one raffle ticket to win a beautiful REBBE DIME bracelet!
In just a few weeks we will be celebrating our Rebbe’s 120th birthday Iy”H. There is no better gift we can give over to our Rebbe than to fulfill His vision of bringing Moshiach.
If we unite to ignite we will reach our goal!
Let’s turn the world BRIGHT SIDE UP.