A Resurgence of Groups Spending Shabbos at the Ohel is Underway
It’s a tale as old as Chassidus itself. The paintings depict a group of joyous Chassidim sitting in a wagon, flying to their Rebbe to soak up inspiration for another year of difficult shtetl life ahead. The flying wagons are no longer imaginary, the mashke has gone up in price and the material challenges of life in the shtetl have long disappeared, but the image remains the same: Chassidim traveling to spend time with their Rebbe.
In recent years, a trend has begun in anash communities around the world where groups—some smaller, other larger—have been arranging Shabbosim near the Rebbe’s ohel, where they spend 25 hours together, davening, learning and farbrenging.
While some groups are able to make arrangements on their own and organize their own program, for many it’s a daunting task. Where will they sleep? Who will farbreng? To assist communities in coming to the Rebbe for Shabbos, Vaad Or Vechom has made available resources and personalized assistance in arranging everything needed for an uplifting time spent in the Rebbe’s dalet amos.
The impact of such a Shabbos is immense, asserts Hertzel Koussashvili, a Lubavitcher from Lod, Eretz Yisrael who has led several groups in the past. “For many participants, it’s given them a real chayus in their avodah. Words cannot describe the feeling of Chassidim farbrenging together late Friday night, learning Chassidus together Shabbos morning—and all in close proximity to the Rebbe’s ohel.”
Getzel Itzinger, a Lubavitcher from London agrees. “We’ve brought several groups over the years, and the experience was truly uplifting and meaningful. It is a real ‘Yom shekulo Shabbos.” The London groups haven’t been able to come to N.Y. during Covid, but Itzinger says they’re looking forward to another trip soon. Indeed, as Covid is waning, groups have recently been able to come once again for Shabbosim, with others planning trips soon, in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. Truly a beautiful way for your community to mark this great milestone.
Visit GroupsToOhel.com for all the resources and information you need to make this Shabbos a reality for your community.